
Wednesday 17 August 2016

Yam fritters, C.R.U.N.C.H.Y

Yam fritters.
Dare I say yummy!

It is relatively quick, easy to make and it requires limited number of ingredients. Besides being eaten as a main meal with a dipping sauce, you can carry them around as snacks.

Here is my recipe for yam fritters.
A small/soup bowl of grated yam (I used ordinary yam)
3 tablespoons of powdered crayfish (optional)
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon dry pepper
1 whole egg

Grate yam, enough to fill a small bowl (soup bowl). To a larger bowl add in the grated yam, cray fish, pepper and salt then mix. Finally add the egg and combine well.

Pour oil in a large pan and put on the cooker to heat up. Alternatively use a deep fryer. Use a tablespoon or your hand to scoop the yam mix into the hot oil and allow to fry.

It should take about 5 to 8 minutes to fry each batch. If you want it less crunchy, take it out before it becomes dark brown.

Once its ready you can snack on it or use a dipping sauce.
The dipping sauce I used was red bell pepper sauce.

Ever had yam fritter?
I hope you try it.
Remember share the fun. Share the link. Share the food.
Experiences are better when we share.

Thank you for reading

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